
Methods of Productions- and efficiency measurement

(2010) Robust efficiency score estimation for German banks, European Journal of Operational Research. 200(2), 568–581.

Causal analysis based on observational studies

(2011) The success of bank mergers revisited. An assessment based on a matching
     strategy, Journal of Empirical Finance,
18(1), 117-135 (mit Frank Heid).

Income analysis

(2009) Analysing wage differences between the USA and Germany using proportional
     hazards models, LABOUR, 23(2), 319–347 (mit Ulrich Pötter)

Survey methods and missing data

(2006) Comparing estimation strategies for income equations in the presence of panel
     attrition. Empirical results based on the ECHP, Journal of Economics and Statistics,
     226, 361–384.

Economic statistics and demography

(2012) Wirtschafts- und Bevölkerungsstatistik, UTB Verlag München, 347 S. (mit Götz Rohwer)

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